This post is for Mandi and all of us who like DOUGHNUTS which is probably all of the WRIGHT family. Did you know that Brigham Young had donuts as part of his morning breakfast, buttermilk doughnuts,that is. I would like to share with you a recipe from the Lion house in Salt Lake City, remember we are taught to follow the prophet!
2cups buttermilk
2large eggs beaten
51/2 cups flour
l1/4 cups sugar
2 teaspoons soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons nutmeg
6 tablespoons butter
In a medium bowl stir together all dry ingredients and set aside. Whisk together buttermilk, eggs, and sugar. Add melted butter and whisk again. Add dry ingredients and gently stir together. Do not use a mixer. [Remember Brigham didn't have electricity] Dough will be sticky. Start heating frying oil to 375 degrees. (Lard works best.)
Roll or pat dough on a well floured board about 1/4 to 3/8 inch thick. Cut with 2 1/2 inch doughnut cutter. Form the scraps into a ball and reroll and cut. Fry in hot oil. Doughnuts will start to crack when they are ready to turn. Remove when golden brown. Drain on paper towel.
While warm sprinkle with granulated sugar as desired. Makes 2 dozen. Go to
Enjoy! Conclusion, I will be brave and share a deep emotion . I have always lived with the attitude of when I, when I loose x amount of weight I will buy some great clothes, when I this or when I that. I look at pictures of myself ten or twenty years ago and think, I was not that fat, I wish I looked like that now. I should of enjoyed life more then. Of course we should be healthy conscience ,But now that my metabolism has come to a streaking halt, I am trying to enjoy life at where I am. A new season of aging, wrinkles, flab, arthritis pain etc. Thank goodness I have Mandi to keep by eyebrows lookin good and Tara to keep the gray out of my hair, the point is . Be happy with yourselves, where you are RIGHT NOW , life is precious, say positive things about yourself and to your children, Your kids will have better self-esteems if they know their mother feels good about herself. For me , my grand kids have a comfy cozy pillow to hug. So therefore if you want a doughnut, enjoy it, eat it . Life goes by so quickly..........