Monday, February 2, 2009

Finding Joy

Hi to all, my thought for this week is something I was so impressed with. Our cousin and friend, Joy Arnett , who is so specialwas recently the keynote speaker at her stake Relief Society conference. The topic was finding joy. I reflected for a few days want brings me joy. Of course the gospel and family is #1, if you start to think about it the list could become quite detailed and long. One of Joy's handouts really made me stop and think, I did not attend the conference , just heard about it through Aunt Jeanne.

How to be Totally Miserable

Mostly by John Bytheway.

1. Believe that things will never change.
2. Think about your problems.
3. Don't do anything.
4. Worry about things you can't change.
5. Complain about your blessings.
6. Think about yourself.
7. Relive your bad memories.
8. Blame everyone and everything.
9. Don't take any action.
10. Put yourself down.
11. Don't set goals.
12. Hold on to grudges.
13. Judge other people's motives.
14. Put deadlines on your happiness.
15. Stay miserable.
16. Always want more.
17. Don't learn anything new.
18. Postpone prayer.
19. Avoid good company.
20. Don't sing.
21. Don't smile.
22. Don't laugh.
23. Gossip often.
24. Sleep to much.
25. Don't have a purpose.
26. Recycle regrets.
27. Take counsel from your fears.
28. Be easily offended.
29. Wait for life to happen.
30. Avoid adventure.
31. Assume that moping will solve the problem.
32. Don't enjoy the good in others.
33. Don't have a hobby.
34. Never read a book.
35. Never reach out of your comfort zone to make someone happy.

"Your joy in life depends upon your trust in Heavenly father and His holy son, your conviction that their plan of happiness truly can bring you joy. Richard G. Scott

There is a lot more to Joy's handout, but I thought this part was especially
good. For the most part our attitudes determine our happiness and joy. Life can be so hard! I hope we can find something helpful in the above list that will help us all reflect on what is really important in life.

Now, I have got to show you what my wonderful son Justin did for me this weekend, also I have a few more pictures of some of things in my home that give me JOY and of course a few more changes. My children are so good to me, Justin has a lot going on in his life, I appreciate him so much for helping me. I have the best kids, I love them so much. Have a great week everyone hope it is filled with JOY.......

I'm so excited!!!

Changey Rearrangey, in full form.


Tan and White, JOY

head board - garage sale find.
Thank you, Lindsay.

Baby room, I love baby vintage prints, dolls, most anything old.

The dresser came from D.I. a little paint does amazing things.

Baby screen is of my children and my grandbabies.

Like many of you, one of my favorite things to do is going to GARAGE SALES, once in awhile you hit the sales of sales. About 18 months ago or longer, I got a call from Lindsay Jones, "Lucille you have got to come to this sale." It was close to my house, and when I got there , oh my gosh, we had so much fun, we bought a lot of great stuff, a lot we resold and a lot is in our homes. Lindsay you rock. That is such a great memory. JOY


Tara said...

Lucille, you have outdone yourself again. I loved that list by John Bytheway. Puts things in perspective. And I am off to hit a garage sale ASAP, I need some new joys to add in my life.

Grandmommy Crum said...

Your blog is pure joy! The list makes me want to do better! I saw a few things I need to work on, fear drives my life sometimes! I need to get out of my comfort zone! I want to know more about Joy's talk, Im sure it was amazing! I love that I know and love so many great people!!! Love you sister!!! I cant wait for you to come and do your magic one my bare walls,see ya in the morning!!!!

Todd and Jacy Skouson said...

I Love the changes! You've done it again, every change you make is so cute!I wish you could be here to help me figure out this front room- I guess Skype will have to do. The list of how to be miserable is a great reminder of what NOT to do. I know that I have some to work on for sure. This move is one of them- but it is getting better and not so bad after all. I love you so much! Well Jack is awake time to go get my precious baby boy. I love getting him up from bed or a nap he always without fail gives me a BIG SMILE. We Love ya!!!!!!

Michelle said...

Oh Lucille this was a wonderful post. It is definitely uplifting. I like changing this list around in my head and telling myself, okay to find the joy I need to be doing this...Does that make sense? I love seeing the pictures of your house. Rearranging is always so much fun. Your house has always had the wonderful antique feel, it looks so amazing!

Jill said...

Hey MOM! Love you! I love that you are updating as much as you changy rearrangy! :) I miss you!

Lindsay Jones said...

I think I really needed that list!! Oh I just hope everytime I pull up to a garage sale it will be something like that one!!! You are so great!! Love You!!